Joining criteria for new organisations

Membership of the Reiki Council is open to all organisations concerned with Reiki in the United Kingdom who meet the requirements for membership as determined by the Reiki Council. New members are always welcomed.

All organisations belonging to the Reiki Council work on an equal footing and with agreed aims.

To be eligible to join the Reiki Council, an organisation will:

  1. Represent people who have been attuned/initiated to Reiki in person, face-to-face, by their Reiki Teacher  
  2. a) Represent at least 100 Reiki-attuned/initiated people whose lineage can be traced back to Mikao Usui as specified in the RRWG 2009 working definition of Reiki or as the Reiki Council updates it and the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Reiki or                  
    b) Have been an existing member of the RRWG since May 2008 and whose membership of the Reiki Council has remained unbroken since then
  3. Have a constitution, a code of ethics and disciplinary procedures, be accountable to its members and assess members to ensure they meet points 1 and 2 unless they qualify for membership under point 2b
  4. Be prepared to abide by the Reiki Council disciplinary and complaints procedure.

It is recognised that the Reiki Council needs to be able to speak for as many attuned/initiated people as possible. To this end, smaller organisations may band together in order to fulfil the requirement of representing 100 or more attuned/initiated people. Such groups would pay one membership fee between them and share one vote between them. The Reiki Council may put such groups in contact with each other, but it is those group’s responsibilities to work out details between each other. The aim of this is to make membership more affordable for smaller groups and keep equality of representation.

Please contact the Reiki Council to register your interest.