Practitioner Specification

  • To understand why attunements/initiations/reiju need to be given in person by a teacher. To be able to give a definition of Reiki and to be able give a history according to the system of Reiki they have studied. 
  • To have a copy of a recognisable lineage to Mikao Usui
  • To understand the importance of this lineage 
  • To be able to demonstrate a sequence of hand positions appropriate to style they have learnt (hand positions may vary with style)
  • To receive Reiki II if you do not already have it. 
  • To have experience of both giving and receiving Reiki, to include self-healing
  • To have the knowledge and understanding to run a professional practice
  • To have compiled a portfolio of evidence of working with Reiki
  • To understand, appreciate and accept the differences between the styles of Usui Reiki
  • To have the knowledge, training and understanding to meet the National Occupational Standards for Reiki; CNH1, CNH2 and CNH12*
  • To have given a minimum of 75 full treatments, in person, five of which have been observed by another Reiki person and including 10 case studies with 4 treatments in each case study (this does not include Reiki on animals) 
  • To have been practising Reiki i.e. attuned/initiated/reiju to Reiki for a minimum of 9 months
  • To have received a minimum of 65 hours in-person training from their Reiki Master(s) or other experienced Reiki Practitioners (this can include. Reiki I & II training; Reiki workshops; Reiki Shares etc.)  5 hours of development and supervision of practical skills and at least 40 hours of teaching with the simultaneous physical presence of the Learner and the suitably qualified tutor/supervisor must be included in the 65 hours of Guided Learning
  • To have an overall  minimum of 140 hours of additional Reiki training/study  from the start of their first Reiki attunement/initiation/reiju, (e.g. case studies, home study/distance learning,  reflection on practice etc)
  • To have received 100 hours of Reiki either from self-treatment or from other practitioners
  • To have developed appropriate levels of skills in the fields of Communication, professional relationships, work role and practice, understanding of confidentiality, Consent, record keeping, health and well-being and basic anatomy and physiology
  • To have developed appropriate levels of skills and knowledge in the fields of: professional standards and code of practice, relevant legislation, employment and organisational policies and practices, business finance, insurance



NOS – National Occupational Standards – are available here

CNH 1 – Explore and establish the client’s needs for complementary and natural healthcare

CNH 2 – Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients

CNH 12 – Provide Reiki to clients