Reiki For Animals
It is the same Reiki energy but working professionally with animals, especially unknown ones, requires additional knowledge, skills and an understanding of animals.
Animals are naturally more aware of and understanding of energy and many seem to openly welcome and accept this calm energy, regularly pushing affected areas of their body into a practitioner’s hands. Whether for people or animals, Reiki may benefit physical, mental or emotional issues holistically.
We recognise that not all Reiki Practitioners wish to work professionally with animals but if you do, we recommend that you think about Animal Reiki training when we are able to recommend approved courses.
Animal Reiki is becoming increasingly popular and the Reiki Council, including all its member organisations, is planning to recognise Reiki Practitioners for Animals in addition to Reiki Practitioners. This recognition will require completion of the Animal Reiki training process currently under development.
The Reiki Council Member Organisations currently offering Reiki for Animals recognition are:
The Reiki Association
The Reiki Connection
The U.K. Reiki Federation
From late 2021
- The Reiki Council have criteria in place for Reiki Practitioners for Animals to be recognised by our member organisations. Some of the organisations will offer Animal Reiki Practitioner membership also.
- Reiki for Animals Master Teacher recognition and approval of Reiki Practitioner for Animals courses will follow
In 2022
- It is planned for Reiki for Animals recognition to extend to professional practitioners and courses meeting the Core Curriculum and National Occupational Standards (NOS) for offering Reiki to animals
Please check our Reiki for Animals page for upcoming updates.
The Reiki for Animals working group have produced a helpful book UNDERSTANDING ANIMALS – A Working Guide for Reiki Practitioners
Understanding Animals: A Working Guide for Reiki Practitioners focuses specifically on cats, dogs, horses, donkeys and mules in relation to basic anatomy, physiology and behaviour. It includes information relating to health and safety, animal welfare and UK legislation which is also relevant to a wide range of other species. Developed to support Reiki Practitioners for Animals to meet the criteria of the Reiki Council, it is a valuable reference resource based on key aspects of UK National Occupational Standards. Those teaching Reiki for Animals will find it an ideal book to include in their Reiki for Animals courses. This publication provides helpful information for anyone working with animals.
Reiki supports conventional veterinary care and is not a replacement for it. A veterinary diagnosis should be obtained prior to Reiki being offered where an undiagnosed illness/ condition is suspected or known to exist.
Please see links below regarding working with animals in these times of COVID19
Additional useful resources
BVA advice for working in farm and yard locations. This is aimed at Vets but has relevance for anyone entering a farm/yard environment in a professional capacity
BHS advice for yards, riding centres and livery yards
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
World Organisation for Animal Health